How to Cancel Google Drive Upload (Easiest Way in 2024)
In this article, we will show you how to cancel upload to Google Drive. Simply follow the steps below.
Cancel Google Drive Upload
To cancel upload to Google Drive, follow the process below.
1. Monitor Upload Progress
As you upload a file or folder to Google Drive, you will see a progress bar or an upload status in the lower right corner of Google Drive.
2. Click on the X button
To cancel the upload, click on the “X” button or the “Cancel” button above it. This will stop the upload process immediately.
3. Verify Cancellation
Ensure the upload has been canceled by checking the progress bar. It should no longer display any ongoing upload activity.
We hope you now have a better understanding of how to cancel upload to Google Drive. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our article on Google Drive slow upload or our article on how to upload a Word document to Google Drive.